10 Great Reasons to Study Engineering - CHOTACHASMA

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Friday, February 5, 2016

10 Great Reasons to Study Engineering

        10 Great Reasons to Study                              Engineering

1.Love your work, and live your life too!

      Engineering is an exciting profession, but one of its greatest advantages is that it will leave         you time for all the other things in your life that you love!

  2.Be creative

       Most jobs don't allow you to be creative. Engineering, on the other hand, lets you exercise your judgment          however you want. You'll need to be creative to come up with solutions to fascinating problems, and you'll          be able to use both concrete knowledge and your own thoughts and views when coming up with a                        successful original design or development. Engineering is the art of science!
     Engineering is a great outlet for the imagination—the perfect field for independent thinkers.

3.Work with great people

    Engineering takes teamwork, and you’ll work with all kinds of people inside and outside the       field. Whether they’re designers or architects, doctors or entrepreneurs, you’ll be surrounded     by smart, inspiring people.

4.Enjoy job flexibility

  An engineering degree offers you lots of freedom in finding your dream job. It can be a               launching pad for jobs in business, design, medicine, law, and government. To employers or       graduate schools, an engineering degree reflects a well-educated individual who has been        taught ways of analyzing and solving problems that can lead to success in all kinds of fields.

    These days, everybody's looking for choice. Engineering offers so many choices you can have a hard time           deciding on which one fits you- from electrical and mechanical to computer science or civil, the various               areas of engineering are all exciting and in high demand. Engineering degrees open up a road to flexible           education- you can continue to earn an MBA, and move into other great careers. Engineering is a great               choice that opens up many paths for the future.

5.Earn a big salary

    Engineers not only earn lots of respect, but they’re highly paid. Even the starting salary for an    entry-level job is impressive!
    This is always one of the top reasons to study anything. It's important to know that engineers are among              the top-paid professions world-wide. It's well known that if you want money, engineering is one of the best          ways to go. And since money is so important in our world, especially in these economic times, this is one               factor you should be considering carefully.

6.Make a difference

  Everywhere you look you’ll see examples of engineering having a positive effect on everyday       life. Cars are safer, sound systems deliver better acoustics, medical tests are more accurate,       and computers and cell phones are a lot more fun! You’ll be giving back to your community.

  Engineering will help you grow and develop your ways of thinking. Becoming an engineer will force you to    work on many transferable skills including problem-solving and critical reasoning. In addition you'll study a  large variety of topics in school, including engineering courses but also sciences, and even some arts and  languages. Knowing more and having more useful skills will develop you as a person.


  Nobody wants to be a little bolt in a big corporate machine. Studying engineering provides you with the          knowledge and skills to open up your own business and become your own boss. Engineering training exposes  you to businesses and gets you more familiar with things like finance and marketing, which is important for  business purposes, and transferable skills will help you run your own company. Having technical knowledge  will allow you to make a product and centre a business around it


  An engineering education will help you discover how the world works. You may be dealing with recent issues  such as electric cars, alternative energy sources, nuclear reactors, and more. You may end up seeking    for answer son how to solve world hunger or what kinds of technology cause cancer. Engineering is    interconnected with science and research, and it will allow you to learn and discover a world of knowledge.

9.Solve problems, design things that matter

   Everyone likes a good challenge, since life would be boring otherwise. Engineering is a challenge.                     Throughout both your studies and your later career, you will be faced with problems which will require your         creativity and logical analysis skills. Real world problems will be open ended with no wrong or right answer-        it'll be up to you to find a solution and stand up to it, convincing others it's right. The engineering challenge is   something to look forward to.


  Along with doctors and lawyers, engineers are professionals who have a lot of prestige. Wouldn't your mother   be proud to tell all her relatives and friends that her son or daughter is an engineer? You'll gain a desired job   image, and join a profession that supports national and global competitiveness, security, and rising living           standards. Being an engineer just makes you look great!

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